I am pleased to present a technology that dramatically improves ERP Software Productivity. The HandsFreeERP Document Automation Platform
Accounting software, as it was known back in the day, is one of those “things” where the application of technology did not improve the core product. Think sensors for sinks that have you waving your arms about wildly trying to get a quick burst off the too hot or too cold water, and you get a general idea. Too much arm waving—not enough process flow. Cool tech, lukewarm results.
During my life in the ERP industry, there have been multiple advances in technology that have had the opposite of the intended effect. “Upgrades” that made the software harder to use, more expensive to install, maintain, and upgrade. “Automation” that just shifted the burden from an end user to IT—or to a service bureau.
If cars evolved similarly, each new model year would feature a more powerful (and “easy to use”) hand brake permanently locked in the on position.
The mouse, graphic user interface, and most recently, a browser interface are some prime examples of crimes committed against ERP productivity all packed up as “a better user experience.”
NOW, finally, after thirty years, I am pleased to present a technology that dramatically improves ERP Software Productivity.
How? By overcoming the biggest bottlenecks in ANY business process—the mouse, the keyboard and the re-entering of data from documents and emails.
The Right Technology, and NOW the Right Problem Solved
And up until now, this technology solution has largely been misappropriated for one niche application—the processing of accounts payable invoices.
The HandsFreeERP Document Automation Platform is based on tried and true technology most often used for AP Automation, BUT that has NOW been applied to more critical business process that suffer from the same bottlenecks and pain points. Like handling customer orders, so you can fill orders more efficiently and bring cash IN the door more quickly.
The HandsFreeERP Document Automation Platform opens up capabilities such as customer orders or “AR” Automation and other target-rich document automation opportunities. TurnOnDynamics is pleased to announce that we are the premier implementation partner for the HandsFreeERP platform.
The post Technology and ERP – the Productivity Conundrum appeared first on turnondynamics.com.
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